Thursday, March 17, 2011

3.13.11 - Spring is Here!

Ahh, spring.  Longer days, warmer weather (usually), flowers, green grass, house work, Vitamin D.

Sunday was my mother's birthday.  And it was chilly, in the 50s.  We didn't get out to do any yardwork, though the promise of that is till looming, given warmer weather (Yay!) but we did take a walk.  There were so many signs of spring coming!  The Bradford Pears were in full boom, as were the over-populated daffodils and other wild flowers. There was also a beautiful tree that I am not sure the name off.  I've googgled it, of course, but have come up with Tulip Tree, and Magnolia.  But Magnolias are usually white, right?  I really don't know!  It is gorgeous.

I am particularly proud of a lot of these images, they show some growth in the macro area.  These images are sure to make you happy, even if you are still experiencing some winter blues!


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