Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1.10.11 - The "Big" Snow

Snow.  I've seen my far share of it.  I was born in Massachusetts, and lived in New Hampshire until I was 11.  I've seen some snow.  I had snow fall on the night of our town's Halloween Party that was held on our property.  We were bobbing for apples in a metal basin, and there was ice inside.  I've seen snow.  My uncle would drive his tractor to our home across town and plow our property until there were snow piles 10 feet tall.  I would sled down the hill on my uncle's farm until I couldn't feel my toes, fingers or nose.

When I moved to Tennessee in 1996, Nashville had a record-breaking snowstorm that winter.  We were with our family in New Hampshire.  Kinda ironic.

One winter while I was in college, (2003, or 2004) I had to drive from Nashville to Clarksville to get back to school in white-out conditions.  It scared me to death, because I am from the North, but I had never had to drive in "bad" snow before.

For the first time since I have lived in and not traveled away from Tennessee, I saw snow on Christmas morning 2010.  The last time me and my sister saw snow on Christmas was 1999.

I absolutely love snow.  Because it is silent and beautiful.  Snow quiets the Earth.  It falls and everything seems to turn its volume down.  The traffic slows, people stay inside.  The animals rest, huddled somewhere.  The wind whispers instead of whistles.  God, how amazing!  He really does know how to create beauty.  Everything is so white and gentle.  I like taking deep, cold breaths.  The soothing taste of winter.  I feel like I need to enjoy it before it melts away.

Here are some shots from the "Big" snow that fell on Middle Tennessee, January 10, 2011

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