Sunday, May 29, 2011

5.28.11 - A peak at H&Ts Engagement Session

This photo rocks my flip flops off. Stay tuned.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5.20.11 - Engagement Preview

I have an upcoming shoot this weekend, one that I have been waiting on for a long time :-)

One that involves my two best friends commemorating their engagement!  I was very excited to put it on my schedule.  Lots of great ideas...

While I was on location for the previous posts' maternity session, I scoped out the Parthenon, the sight of the actual proposal, and one place we are tackling this weekend.  I fell in love instantly.  I have been to Centennial Park a bazillion times, but have never actually walked up or around the Parthenon.  I was awestruck... the lines (oh, the lines!) and the depth are completely wonderful.  I had a blast snapping away, even without breathing subjects!  I just cannot wait to pop my BF's long legs up against these pillars...  Gonna rock, just sayin.

Stay tuned for what's to come of this!

Til then... love the lines.

5.20.11 - Apryl's Maternity Session in Nashville

We were cicada free (almost) at the park this past weekend.  I loved the bright colors of her outfit with the perfect grass this time of year.

Even though we turned this session into a mini last minute, we were still able to get some great shots that I am sure she will treasure for years to come.

Here are some of my favorites.  Check out the shoes!  (I really have a thing for shoes...)

Friday, May 20, 2011


So at the request of the beautiful mother, we cut my maternity session down to a mini session. That meant I had some extra time to spend in Nashville. And we are having the most beautiful day we've had in weeks.

I knew there was a particular place in the Village I wanted to stop at for a surprise for Mr. Sargent ... but I've always wanted to explore. I walked into Tweed, an upscale baby shop, and found a gorgeous line of bags... need make a note for later ;-)

I poked around in the interior design stores and started looking for a place for a nibble. I stumbled upon Bella Napoli Pizzaria, thinking I would pop in from a break from the heat and a nice overpriced slice of pizza. Not the case... They have a very nice menu, but nothing to quick or small. I settled for some Bruscetta and a Coke.

What appealed to me the most was the backgrounds, textures, and architecture. I would love to photograph a session down here. It's gorgeous! Very modern, with a city feel to it.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

4.9.11 - Spring means Sounds Baseball is here!

One of the things I am learning to love about Spring is the return of minor league baseball right in my backyard.  (Well, if my backyard was 40 miles away).  I'm a fan of the game, but I am also a fan of what it brings to our city, and to the families in it, my own included.

It started on one warm night in April.  My family and my best friends piled down to see the opening weekend game at Greer.  Though the pollen was thick and the stuffy noses' ran high, the evening was perfect.  I was surrounded my most closest and favoritest people.  Lemonade, funnel cake, cold drafts.  It was a great way to kick off Sping in Nashville.

Another thing that comes to mind was around this time last year was the premiere of my zoom lens.  It's not a break-the-bank lens, but it serves me well.  I first broke it out at a Sound game last May, and I was not disappointed.  It has made plenty a run since, but I appreciate it much at these games, it really helps me capture all the things that surround baseball and what makes it great.

Nashville Sounds | April 9, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

4.5.11 - Baby Landen Preview

I have been trying to upload the pictures from this session to my Facebook page for days, but for some reason, they will not upload from my new laptop.  Trying to figure that out...

Anyways, I wanted to share with everyone a few previews from my first session with Baby Landen.  I gifted a New Life Session to his mother at her shower, and after several schedule conflicts, we were able to squeak in a session within his first month of life.  He's the cutest thing I've ever laid my eyes on...

 I made these baby blocks for his mother's maternity session :-)

Beautiful Baby Landen...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

3.13.11 - Spring is Here!

Ahh, spring.  Longer days, warmer weather (usually), flowers, green grass, house work, Vitamin D.

Sunday was my mother's birthday.  And it was chilly, in the 50s.  We didn't get out to do any yardwork, though the promise of that is till looming, given warmer weather (Yay!) but we did take a walk.  There were so many signs of spring coming!  The Bradford Pears were in full boom, as were the over-populated daffodils and other wild flowers. There was also a beautiful tree that I am not sure the name off.  I've googgled it, of course, but have come up with Tulip Tree, and Magnolia.  But Magnolias are usually white, right?  I really don't know!  It is gorgeous.

I am particularly proud of a lot of these images, they show some growth in the macro area.  These images are sure to make you happy, even if you are still experiencing some winter blues!